Sunday, May 19, 2013

Overcoming My Limiting Beliefs

Today I am learning a lot on how to overcome my limiting beliefs through a couple of different processes taught to me by my coach. I have tried several of these already and I am noticing how quickly they can neutralize the negative thinking that leads to limiting beliefs. I am learning that there are three steps to overcoming limiting beliefs which are:

  1. Neutralize the negative emotion (thought or Belief)
  2. Analyze the negative belief  (What is the benefit of this belief)
  3. Adopt and anchor a more powerful belief in its place (This takes the place of the old belief)

Here are some ways to accomplish step number 1

  • Theta Yogic Breathing
  • E.F.T
  • Ho-O-Ponopono
  • Brain Activation

I am so grateful that I have this coaching and that I am learning new tools each day that will help me to conquer my self and live the life that I desire.

Thank You Thank You Thank You.

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