It got so bad that I called my coach to complain about how down I was feeling and he told me straight up stop your complaining and MAN up to what you know you should be doing. For the past 2-3 weeks I have fallen off track and became disconnected with a normal routine that was keeping me connected to my source of abundance.
During these 2-3 weeks I felt miserable, constantly complaining and whining to myself about my situation. I did not feel empowered to write in this journal nor keep up with my daily gratitude list.
However, after talking with my coach I do feel a lot better. He simply informed me that my mind was still attracting everything I wanted. I was focusing on a lot of negativity and the universe brought me more things to be negative about. My coach said my mind was still moving but some how I knocked it out of drive and into reverse.
What he said made a lot of sense, I just need to put my mind transmission back into the drive position which I have done starting today.
Things I need and want to do daily..
* wake up and do my morning meditation 20 min to 1 hour
* write my daily gratitude list
* review my mission statement
* review my vision boards
* Write in my success journal
* write another gratitude list
* review my mission statement
* go to sleep on guided meditation
Thank you Thank you Thank you